
  • Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.

    Ban Ki-Moon Former Secretary-General of the UN


HCLFoundation (HCLF) was established in 2011 as the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of HCLTech in India. It is a value-driven, not-for-profit organization that thrives in contributing towards national and international development goals, impacting the lives of people and communities through long-term sustainable programs.

The Foundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development through a life cycle-based integrated community development approach. Thematic focus is on:

  • Education

  • Health

  • Livelihoods & Skilling

  • Environment

  • Disaster Risk Reduction & Response

Child protective strategies, inclusion, and gender transformative approaches remain central in all initiatives of the HCLFoundation, thus ensuring comprehensive development. Active community engagement ensures optimal long-term gains and upward accountability.

HCLFoundation is committed towards conservation of the indigenous flora and fauna. It has been working towards providing affordable, reliable, sustainable innovative solutions to combat climate change and its impact.

HCL Harit Initiative

HCLFoundation launched HCL Harit- The Green Initiative, a distinct flagship programme for Environment Action. Vision of the initiative is to
‘conserve, restore and enhance indigenous environmental systems and respond to climate change in a sustainable manner through community engagement’.

Through its various initiatives, HCL Harit aims at building scalable and replicable models that are economically viable, socially acceptable, environmentally sustainable, holistic and inclusive. Interventions under Harit follow ‘Participatory and Convergent Approach’ in attaining the desired results towards UN SDG goals aligned to the National Indicator Framework for SDG.

Several programmes are being implemented across nine States namely Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Telangana. Through which Harit is building sustainable and inclusive models towards :

Centre for Environment Education

CEE was established in 1984 as a Centre of Excellence under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. CEE’s mandate is to promote environmental awareness nationwide. As a national institution, Centre is committed to ensure that Environmental Education (EE) leads to action for sustainable development. CEE develops innovative programmes and educational material and builds capacity in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

CEE’s mission is to enhance understanding of sustainable development in formal, non-formal and informal education through its work with schools, higher educational institutions, policy makers and reaching out to youth and the general community. It is to integrate education as a key driver for change in demonstrating and advancing sustainable practices in rural and urban communities, and in business and the public sector, and in meeting challenges of global issues such as climate change and biodiversity conservation. CEE also promotes individual and collective positive Handprint actions that are environmentally sound, economically viable and socially beneficial.

Climate Change Education Programmes

CEE's work in the area of climate change education and action to engage and empower different stakeholders through interactive educational methodologies. Centre has been working closely with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) for supporting and promoting Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). It also worked closely with UNESCO during the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN DESD) and with policy makers for the Global Action Plan (GAP) on ESD to ensure that education can play a more significant role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

CEE works in close association with government, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and local communities to implement climate-focused interventions which aim to provide knowledge and skills, identify climate education gaps and via innovative approaches, strengthen climate change understanding amongst various stakeholders. CEE works at climate policy, education and action level to address climate change issues

Image‘Paryavaran Mitra’ is CEE’s flagship initiative on sustainability and climate change education which aims to create a network of young leaders from schools across the country, who have the awareness, knowledge, commitment, and potential to meet the challenges of sustainable development in their own spheres of influence.